
The idea of this blog has been on my heart off and on for several months.  While I definitely don't believe we need more advice on how to be mothers, I do believe we need more love, grace and encouragement.  I pray that these posts will be a source of all of that, along with a little humor mixed in, because come on, motherhood can be pretty funny, too!  I'm not going to talk about the right way or the wrong way to raise children.  While I might reference what my husband and I have chosen to do, I am by no means saying it is THE way.  I hope to share the things that have worked for us and the things that have not worked for us, but in hopes of showing my growth in learning as a mother.  There will be guest posts from women who have experienced very different journeys in motherhood than I have.  There will also be posts about some very sensitive and personal things that I have been through in my own journey.  Some things you might have experienced, some you might not have, but hopefully it will allow you to see how even though our journey to and through motherhood is different, we all need love.  When we have it all together and are soaring through motherhood or when we keep stumbling and falling down, we always need grace.  Whether we have natural births or c-sections, whether we have adopted children or biological children, whether we stay home or work outside of the home, whether we are gourmet chefs or swing through fast food drive thrus, whether we breastfeed or formula feed, whether we sleep train or cosleep, whether we use timeout or spank, whether we homeschool or public school, we all need encouragement.

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